Sunday, June 10, 2007

What the Heck?


I'm not agaiNsT america. . . i waS jusT inspired

a bad name.. the fucking muppet..

but hay-we all need a scape goat-its his dads dirty ass(and profit befor people) that set all this shite up- and its been going on since russia wanted the pipe line(the Kasbian sea pipeline)- but it was in america's best intrests.. to LIBERATE ..... was it iraq or afganistan......well wahtever has better targetsumm yeah....

what exactly is a there corporate piGs..eyes,, its me.... and for what- seeing that democracy worked great for greece in the 8oo's for afew thousand people..but in this day and age its time to evolve...since september 11.. (3ooo deaths)

since americas-invasion- 25,ooo at least...whats justifyable to you.. i mean - i dont want to be rules by one or the other... when you see the worldd from space you see the world.. not an american flag...

sorry- for pointing out the obvious... when do we detach from the line and get away from such un-needed bullshit...well- lets let fat people keep getting fat and starving children die...michael moore says-it best- the fear inside becomes that overwhealming that it consumes ... and so on...lets evolve....shall we...this blog did have some good points.. but .. your attitude is still that of a yaanky dooldle..(you call for things i agree for- yet you loose the real point )


...IS AMERICA LOOKING LIKE THEY ARE DOING GOOD THINGS.-when they are not...youre so missing a much bigger picture, just becase you live in america dosnt maake you anything or give you the right to change anything or impose youre belife upon anyone.. you are only informed by american news... if you watched anything that was actually factual to another countries needs.. you wouldnt have this opinion... as it stands.... what your whole 'definition' of a terioist is ... is YOU .. -someone who goes into another countries boarders with their own intrestts at hand...

america went against u.s sanction and went to IRAQ when they were looking for someone in aFGANISTAIN ... ummm... did you miss this meeting.. or the fact that for the last 30 years your country has being ass fucking the middle east... it wouldnt be like it is today ...

if you hadnt gone IN WITH YOUR OWN INTRESTS AT HAND. ...(please - enthrawl me.....)-

your people told 1 million people to revlot against sadam.. and they werent there , when it alll went down.. and they all died ...

you are with held so much infomation.. and you are spoon fed what you should know

-its no better than communisim- its just tarted up.. to be injestedd easyer.. and it most definetly wide....

i pity a culture so blinded by an evil media and a puppet c-grade syudent .. (oh- bussiness admisistration degree) PARDON ME lol

wwho got in for a second term...when he wasnt wanted for the firstt.. and you are in a country where you have a WAR PRESEDENT .. i think your culture has almost put back the entire human race oh.. say 500 years.......

this never would have happen'd if there was only dust and no oil... read it twice ...get some outsidde knowleage ...and maby you can be part of the solution not part of the mindless problem.....

the u.s is not the world police... maby i dont agree with all that a midlle eastern culture stands for .. but its seems , well not yet.. but .. it almost seems like a better option...(yeah right) when i get presented with a point that isnt worth provinG....

currently: chatting in my yahoo messenger

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